Meno Test


A practical test to eliminate the uncertainty for women of their menopause status.
This test will confirm whether or not one has reached the menopause and is no longer peri-menopausal.
This is a post-menopause confirmation test only and uses the Alliance Healthcare system that looks for elevated  FSH levels >  25miU/L..


- a consultation with a pharmacist where all menopausal issues can be addressed.
- direct access to a healthcare professional who have will provide guidance and support for the next steps.
- if consent is provided the service will also include providing GPs directly with any findings..


*20-MINUTE test
*Consultation included
*Menopause Guidance available 
*FSH levels >  25miU/L
*Test Data provided to GP if desired


*Alliance Healthcare System
*Qualified Medical Service
*Qualified Meno Consultation

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